
Beliau juga mempersoalkan mengenai pemecatannya dari PKR dan mencabar Saifuddin Nasution agar memberikan bukti pemecatannya itu dan dakwa Jenapala beliau belum menerima bukti tersebut walaupun telah mengirimkan e-mail kepada Dr. Molly Cheah dan Saifuddin sendiri pada jumaat yang lalu.
Disamping itu Jenapala juga mempersoalkan kemanakah menghilang kata-kata atau janji DS Anwar Ibrahim bahawa DS Anwar Ibrahim tidak akan memihak kepada mana-mana pihak semasa berlangsungnya Pemilihan 2010 ini..
27 September 2010
The dirty politics of PKR gets dirtier…
Anwar a brazen liar and cheat
As promised in my earlier press conferences I, Jenapala a/l Perumal Subaan am holding a succession of press conferences to show the Members of PKR the kind of dirty politics employed by PKR leaders in the recent elections.
Where is proof of sacking?
Over the last two weeks, many statements have emerged with regards to whether I was sacked from the party. Saifuddin Nasution the Secretary General of PKR in particular has categorically stated that I have indeed been sacked. In reaction to this statement, I e-mailed both the head of the JPP, Dr Molly Cheah and Saifuddin Nasution himself last Friday, requesting the documentary evidence of my sacking. Till today, I have not received one shred of evidence to back Saifuddin’s statement. How could I have been sacked when I submitted membership forms to the party HQ in July 2010?
I, on the other hand, have documents here that prove categorically that I am still a member of PKR and that Saifuddin Nasution is a barefaced liar.
What happened to your pledge of remaining neutral, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim?
Similarly I am also calling Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim a barefaced liar and an outright cheat. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has stated publically that he will not lend support to anybody in particular in this election but his behind-the-scenes actions have proven otherwise.
I know for a fact that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has been constantly working the phones pressurising various candidates to throw their lot behind Azmin Ali. On one occasion he even boldly said Dato’ Zaid Ibrahim will lose. Haris Ibrahim’s blog proves this fact clearly. In reference to this I would like to ask Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim one question – why did you make relentless phone calls to Grenda Aing in Sarawak, asking him to ensure that the Bidayuh divisions throw their lot behind Azmin Ali? Is this your brand of leadership – saying one thing and doing another? Saying you will stay neutral, then going all out to support a particular candidate? Grenda Aing was long known as a Dato’ Zaid supporter but now has jumped ship and delivered to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Azmin Ali as requested in the just concluded Sarawak elections.
In Hulu Selangor, a host of MPs and Aduns willingly gave of their precious time, campaigning for Khalid Jaafar who is not even from Hulu Selangor but from Melaka, to ensure that he won the divisional elections. My question is this – as elected reps, do you not have anything better to do with your time? Most elected reps I know talk of not having sufficient time on their hands to handle their constituency work. Yet this group of elected reps voluntarily gave up their time and state allocated resources to try and win a local divisional election.
To YB Zuraidah Kamaruddin, Mansor Othman the Deputy Chief Minister of Penang and Xavier Jeyakumar, Exco of Selangor, I ask you this – where is your conscience? Do you not think your constituents deserve better than this? To Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, you say there is the possibility of Trojan horses having found their way into the party. I ask you this – why don’t you name these so-called ‘Trojan horses’? Blogger Haris Ibrahim has asked you to name them. I ask you to name them. Why do you persist in keeping silent? Is it because you have nothing to produce? Just like you had nothing to produce despite promising to show evidence of the alleged RM2 million paid to each of the most recent PKR defectors? Are you just all-talk no-action?
Why is party leadership condoning incidences of fraud?
It is alarming how incidences of fraud are taking place right under our very noses in these elections. Let me state the first case - the Jeli division elections. On the first count, Dato’ Zaid Ibrahim won the nominations. He won again on the second count. But strangely enough, after a secret ballot, Azmin Ali got the nominations. Does this not smack of blatant fraud?
The second case is Pensiangan. How is it that a candidate previously disqualified on the grounds of bankruptcy – namely incumbent chief Danny Andipai is allowed to contest in the recent elections against Jeffrey Kitingan, a supporter of Dato’ Zaid Ibrahim? It has been said that certain people aligned to Azmin Ali and Ansari Abdullah did all in their power to ensure that Danny was allowed to contest. To Raden Shamsul Akmar who is in charge of sending election monitors to oversee the polls, I have this to ask – how is it that your very own election monitors allowed Danny in the race? How come the party leadership and election committee – both of whom are already accused of being in the Azmin camp – have kept silent? Is this PKR’s brand of ‘free and fair’ elections?
Yesterday I was informed by my people on the ground that elections held in Kapar, PJ Selatan and a host of other divisions that were pro-Dato’ Zaid Ibrahim had their elections postponed and were marred by fighting and chair-throwing incidents. Even with the weight of the party machinery behind them, supporters of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Azmin Ali resorted to these measures to prevent ordinary members like us from exercising our democratic right to vote and have the ‘free and fair’ election they are promoting.
I have repeatedly said this chaos would happen. This is the result of the poor leadership of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Azmin Ali and their total disregard for procedures. This ruckus is also the result of the machinations of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Azmin Ali because if the leadership of the party stayed neutral, this elections would not have been held in such a heated environment. It seems there has been a deliberate and planned strategy to ensure this ruckus happens in divisions that clearly are pro-Dato’ Zaid Ibrahim. Even PKR election officer Raden Shamsul Akmar said that this has been purposed stirred by paid mercenaries. He also said they attacked with intentions of sabotaging party elections.
Today I am calling for the resignation of Dr Molly Cheah, the head of the JPP for her failure in ensuring the smooth running of this election.
A mockery of the nomination and voting processes
In the recent elections, meetings were held simultaneously while voting was taking place. This goes against every rule of democracy. Only elected committee members can conduct a meeting and subsequently only the new committee can make nominations. As it stands the nominations made by the out-going committee should be declared null and void because these particular members were not elected.
I want to state that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Azmin Ali are conspiring together to ensure a victory at all costs even to the extent of condoning the kind of fraudulent exercises I mentioned earlier.
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is dangerous because he is a brazen liar and big cheat for turning a blind eye to these acts of fraud. He says one thing and does another. I think everyone knows that Azmin is Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s ‘chosen one’ and he will do anything in his power to ensure Azmin wins – even if it means resorting to cheating in broad daylight.
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim thinks the party belongs to him and Azmin Ali. I want to put on record here that I have nothing against the party or its president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail who is a gem of a lady and who I have the utmost respect for. I also want to say to YB Nurul Izzah that I whole-heartedly support your candidacy for Vice President. You are truly an inspiring and courageous young lady with the kind of integrity and vision that our country so badly needs.
Everyone who loves the party should come together and help clean the party. We the members built this party with our own blood, sweat and tears while he was in prison. Dato Seri Anwar does not understand this or refuses to do so.
I will continue to expose Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Azmin Ali and their dirty tricks until such time that Keadilan is purged of their UMNO-like management style. How can we continue to cry foul over the dirty politics of Barisan Nasional and the blatant flouting of democratic election processes by SPR when in our midst lie clones of BN who together are more dangerous and will destroy us as a party for the future?
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